Photo book delivery time max. 7 days Photo book delivery time max. 7 days
Error message | No payment method available
Not being able to select a payment method can be caused by several issues, but the most likely are:
- The web browser and computer language do not concur (e.g. is your computer language set to English? If so, the browser language must also be set to English. In any case you can do this in our application’s login window)
- The web browser you’re using doesn’t (fully) load the web page (sections). Try a different browser. Google Chrome is a good alternative for both Apple and Windows.
Should the above actions fail to resolve the issue, please send us a screenshot of the error message, as well as your PC and web browser details (e.g. Windows 8 and Internet Explorer 11, or Apple OSX 10.9 and Safari). Please also send us a screenshot of our software (start screen showing the version), and the project list (one step on, under “open up & running project”).
Send an email to and we will help you further.